service session

Our School organized service programs for underprivileged children from various NGOs and rural places like Barbodhan, Tunda and Umra. The service programmed included various sports and activities which allowed the children to explore every field of such activities. there were activities like volleyball, football, visual arts, dance and etc. we were required to select a particular activity of our interest and teach the children for over a month on weekends. I was in charge of my batch for Football. I’ve always had a keen interest for Football. we were required to plan the session as in what things we will cover.

The curriculum we planned included:

  • The importance of warm-up and how to do it properly.
  • Teaching all the basic rule about the game.
  • Basic Ball control drills like dribbling, passing and controlling the ball.
  • Simple Shooting and agility drills.
  • Playing Match 7 v 7.
  • defenders vs strikers

L05:- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The sessions had a significant effect on me as I learned how to co-ordinate with colleagues and support them. The sessions were a bit unorganized at the start as we were new to all of this and there were so many volunteers which created a mess, but we did overcome it  and by the end of the first session all the roles were distributed among the volunteers and therefore the upcoming sessions were efficient. As the number of  volunteers were more, the efficiency increased as each of the volunteer was able to cater to the children in a interactive manner. the children got a lot more personal attention from the volunteers which also encouraged the children. I helped out in maintaining the decorum of the sessions as this was an one-time opportunity for me to do something with my passion which will help others. We had to keep our communication skills sharp as we needed to report the progress and the track of the classes.

L03:- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

As I was the in-charge of my Batch, I had to plan the things we were going to cover throughout the sessions and furthermore keep the track of the session ( if the sessions are going in the way it was planned and everything is being covered) I tried to make the activities as simple as possible so that the children could actually perform them and improve at it. The sessions were required to be simple as the children were not that up to date with the game of football. So I had to keep things according to their requirement and which will engage and improve them. I was not able to fulfill each of their needs as the volunteers were busy loitering around instead of teaching them and that was taken care of but could have done in a more planned manner.

L04:- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

I was committed to the service session as it was to teach football to the children and football is my passion. So commitment comes hand in hand when it comes to football. i also had to be committed as i was one of the leaders of my batch which deduces how responsible I am and the commitment i show will have an impact on the other volunteers and the children. I showed commitment when I had to reschedule my study hours as it was on the weekend during the evenings. Playing football helped me to get refreshed and helped to reduce the load of studies. The main reason that kept me committed to the sessions was that I was helping the society in some way and taking off my time for something which will bring a smile.

L02:- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

During this activity, I also gained some confidence and coordination as giving instruction required to face a big audience and I have stage-fear ( i hesitate and get anxious when i have to speak to a big audience) this was something i improved as I still cat say that i overcome it. I also learned how to be cooperative and  a good listener because there were people to give suggestions about how to conduct the classes so I evaluated everybody’s opinion and reach the conclusion. I also learned how to be patient when it comes to teaching as I am a person who gets furious very easily if someone in front of me doesn’t get the thing in few tries. i was patient when it came to teaching football to the unprivileged children as they were not aware about the basic concepts of football (passing and dribbling the ball) as they were totally new to the subject of football which required me and my volunteers to show them how to do it  and perform every drill. We also gave them time to adjust and get with the flow which required a lot of patience.


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