Talents and Interests Hi, my name is Palak Marfatia, I am currently in the grade 12 pursuing IB, I always believe that ´´If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way´´ as rightly said by Martin Luther King. I am a super hard-working person and I am always on […]
Category: Palak Marfatia
CAS plan
CAS activity Description of the activity Components (C/A/S) Duration (long term/short term) Start and end date Investigation- a. What are your skills/interest and what is your purpose for selecting this CAS experience? b. incase of service- What is the issue you will be focusing on? Learning Outcomes you aim to achieve Location (in- school/out -of-school) […]
Additional math tutoring club – CAS project
Video link: Learning outcome -1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. Learning outcome – 2 Demonstrate the challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills. Learning outcome – 3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. Learning outcome – 7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions. video link: https://youtu.be/W8Kr81lpC64 Planning sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wnb7UrinK3OkTluhUtNAzwjXXqz9oRyYALh5fa-gacc/edit#gid=0 […]
We had a culture day event at our school and only grade 11 was a part of it, as a participant, I had to come prepared with the country’s information that is given by my project leaders and we had to make a presentation on the basis of what we had extracted from various sources […]
Learning outcome 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience I have been playing volleyball since last 4 years and I have attended a lot of competitions for volleyball despite it being my non-PS sport. My other friends are also playing volleyball for 4 years so we have made a team and whenever […]
Extended essay RPPF
Being a science oriented student I decided to undertake my Extended essay in any one of the sciences: Biology or Chemistry. At the very first I was too confused about which subject to select, I was constantly juggling between chemistry and biology. In the first few months I searched for topics on chemistry and biology, […]
lake cleaning at gavier
Gavier is a lake in Surat where lots of different bird and aquatic species thrive. The lake is covered with weeds which makes it difficult for the birds to catch their prey. Due to the unwanted weeds, the birds find it difficult to look beneath the surface of the water and the sunlight penetration also reduces […]
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills I am pursuing vocals for the last 2 years and I have taken it as my AS and I also learn it outside of school. I have taken a lot of challenges throughout this learning process. The first challenge that I faced was improving the tonal quality […]
L2 As a person, I was always into sports and I loved to play any sport that I was introduced to. I started playing basketball when I was in 9th grade and since then I have been into this sport. Through all these years I have learned a lot from this sport especially. This sport helped […]
Service Session at school
Our school took the initiative to help the underprivileged kids to explore their strengths by providing opportunities in the fields of arts and sports. Our school assigned students to help kids in different activities. I had chosen basketball as a sport. I voluntarily chose to become the head and lead the bunch of underprivileged kids along with the students from other […]