Maths Trivia – CAS Project

Every year our school organises Maths Trivia which is an event held to testify learners’ knowledge of Mathematics. It is an inter-house event of Mathematics which is held every year for Grade 7, Grade 8 and Grade 9. So this year I, along with 2 team members took the initiative to host and plan the event for students of grade 7. This planning went for around one and a half months before we executed the event.


I chose this as my CAS project was because through this activity I got to apply my mathematics knowledge in real life. I have always solved mathematics sums but never made them so this was something really new that I got to do. Also, planning the event, the flow, the resources, who will do what and managing everything was something that I had to do.


The learning outcomes that I developed through this process of learning are :


  • Learning Outcome 1 ( Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth): This event helped me identify my strength, that I am good with Maths. Here, I had to look for a lot of math questions and then finalize which one to choose, sometimes I even made the questions myself. So that made me realize that I’m good with Maths. The weakness that I could identify was that I got really nervous while presenting at the event. That is something I need to work upon.


I believe that this identification of my strengths and weaknesses will definitely help me to develop the areas that I need to work on and make the most out of the things that I am good with.


  • Learning Outcome 3 ( Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience): This was an event that was fully planned and initiated by me and my team members where from making the questions to actually conducting the trivia, it was all done by us. So organizing and managing everything was a tough task because we had other deadlines to meet too but as I am an organized person, I knew that at the end it will get very hectic so I prepared a timetable to organize the things. That timetable was really helpful for me to make a balance between my academics and other activities like this.

In this event, initiating was not very difficult but planning was. During the planning process, we had some problems with the work not being done by other group members so that was something we had to deal with. But after this was sorted, the initiation of the event went smoothly. This gave me an experience which will further help me in planning things better.


  • Learning Outcome 5 ( Demonstrate the skills and benefits of working collaboratively): I always like working in groups because that divides the work and makes it more efficient. In this project as we were working in a group of 3 members so that definitely was beneficial because we divided the work between us. There were 4 rounds in all so each of us prepared one round and we divided the questions in the rapid fire round. This time working in a group was quite challenging because out of the three members, one did not work at all so it was difficult for me and the other member to manage but then that third member was replaced by another person so that solved the problem.

As we worked in a team so management of different things were done by different people and that made the work more efficient and even improved the quality of the work that we did.


  • Learning Outcome 7 ( Recognize and consider the ethics and choices of action): For this activity, ethics played an important role where because we were planning and deciding the questions so it was our responsibility to make ethically correct choices. We had to select the questions so we had to take care that we don’t get biased to any house where we make easier questions. Not only houses but we also had to take into consideration that that because we were planning for grade 7 students so the questions are of that level. This is where ethics played a role. This made me realize that ethics are very important and are to be taken care of in small things like these and guide our right decision making.


The learner profile attributes that I developed during this activity are Communicators because throughout this activity I had to communicate within my group and also with the teachers hence developing this attribute; thinkers as I had to think a lot to find and make questions and knowledgeable as while making questions I developed knowledge about planning and developing. Also, this event helped me develop leadership and social skills too.


Presentation link:


Questions document :



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