PC Repairing

Computers are a complex piece of technology and it takes various components of different sizes and purposes to help the computer function properly. However, it is observed that we usually tend to take this technology for granted for the services it provides us with. We users seldom think about keeping our computers maintained so that they work in a good condition and there are lesser chances of any components malfunctioning.

Such was also the case for a friend of mine whose computer had layers of dust gathering in it after years of use. His computer had started malfunctioning and refused to boot up. Since I knew much about computers and how many of the components inside them work, my friend contacted me and requested me to take a look at it. As I started inspecting the computer, I kept a note of the problems that I could identify and then I came to a conclusion as to why the computer refused to boot up. I saw that the whole computer was covered in dust and furthermore, the dust had entered the crevices between the cables and their respective ports due to which the cables became loose and hence the supply of power to certain components was restricted. Hence I took to clearing the dust as the first priority. I disassembled the cables and used a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dust. After that, I closely inspected the cables and manually removed dust from the openings in the cables and then assembled them back into the system. After fixing the problem of the cables I also managed to tackle other minor problems. Finally, I flicked the power switch and pushed the power button on the computer and Voila! It booted up properly and loaded the OS.

Learning outcomes achieved:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Identifying my strengths was a key element in this activity, I realized my skills in problem identification were quite good which in turn was beneficial for the task. I realized how well I was able to cope with the issues that I was identifying and how I was able to come with viable solutions to each of them, hence improving upon my problem solving skills which would be beneficial for my future life.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

There were some challenges that were to be faced during the span of this activity. Firstly, since the computer was full of dust, it was obvious that the dust would be stuck in unreachable areas too. It was a quite a hassle to use the vacuum cleaner in this situation as the dust was simply not caught up by the pressure generated by the cleaner. However, after some brainstorming, I started removing some other panels of the computer so that I could get more space to work upon. I brought my compressed air can and sprayed the stuck dust away from those areas after which I caught it all in the vacuum cleaner. However, there was another problem just waiting around the corner to set me back once again. After assembling the cables, I tried powering the system up but it did not respond. I knew that this must be due to the motherboard battery running out since the power supply was providing the system with electricity. Hence, I had to find a dealer in my area who had such batteries for sale. I was able to find one and immediately bought the battery and returned to my friend’s house after which the computer was fixed.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Commitment was also key to complete the activity as some of the problems that surfaced during the activity felt like major setbacks and to cope with them and trying to solve them required a lot of focus. Since the activity required me to go and buy the components that were required, the repair was not completed in one go and hence it also required consistency to get back to work after sorting out the components that were bought.

Overall, this was a fun little activity and it acted as a moment of epiphany for me as I acquired some new traits and improved on others. It also gave me the confidence and propulsion to continue such activities in the future as a hobby or side job.


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