CAS Personal Profile

Hi, I am Aryan Khemka, I am 17 years old. Now if you approach most of my friends and ask about me, they will say that he is modest, helpful and highly sociable. I on the other hand, would disagree with that notion. My description of myself would be somewhere on the lines of sociable with people who are close to me and introverted when I have to be.

The greatest joys that I have in my life are playing my guitar, rocking out to old blues, rock and classic country music, with the occasional obsessions over rap music if I am in that mood. Aside from the guitar, pumping iron in the gym and travelling in the vacations are some perks that I relish.

When my outlook of life comes to question, I would consider myself one of those people who are very laid back, carefree and blithe about their future (contrary to the typical IB student you see in the memes!) yet I somehow find the perfect harmony between school life and social life, I manage to proficiently finish my tasks with utmost diligence and also find time for family and friends, and I find that CAS has been the prefect medium to help me incorporate both into one.

Keeping that in mind, I feel that living this way has never helped my to fulfill cent percent of my work, hence I feel the need of a balanced and well organised life in my current outlook of life. Actual schedules that I follow, with work being done not at the eleventh hour but prior to my deadlines, which is a habit that I have been trying to incorporate in my life slowly and gradually. I find that some of my CAS activities have helped me achieve those faults in my human system and helped me grow upon them, which has in turn led to changes in me that are both explicit as well as implicit, and I have the IBDP CAS programme to thank for that.


My goals and my dreams.

Now that is one question every boy and girl my age struggle to answer, yet if you were to ask me now, then in order to achieve my dreams and my goals, I would like to quote Matthew McConaughey, he had once said in his Oscar award speech that he has “Someone to look forward to, someone to look up to and someone to chase.” I have lived by that Ideology, with God, who has given me the brain and brawn to do what I can, as the one I look up to, my family, and the joy and pride I bring upon them now with my accomplishments and growth as a human, is what I look forwards to. Finally, that someone whom I chase. Now someone had once asked me, that who do I want to be when I grow up, I answered that I want to be me, but in 10 years from now, I was aged 12, and though I haven’t reached the ripe age of 22 yet, I know that when I do, and someone asks me who I want to be, I shall answer them in the same manner I did at the age of 12. The reason for that being, I can never be that person, and so till my dying breath, I shall have someone to chase, someone who has hold of my dreams and my life goals, and each day I work towards him with that mentality.

I have my personal goals, earn enough money to give my parents the most carefree life they can live as I do now, with all their whims and fancies being fulfilled without a batter of an eyelash. But materialism is something I never fancied, my dream is to live a life that helps me grow spiritually as well as physically.


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