Service_Session_2017 @Fountainhead School (ICT)

Description of the particular activity and goals (100 words)

This was an activity established by the Fountainhead School in order to support underprivileged children in expressing their talent in various fields offered. Out of those numerous fields, I was an Activity Incharge at the ICT workshop. We planned the schedule and promised to express gratitude towards those underprivileged children, and teach them with utmost affection. We planned to teach them, google maps, document production basics, Tux paint (Fun art software), Tux typing (Typing enhancer), Hardware components and other various basic computer functions. We aim to pack these 6 sessions with all of those things, hence those children could get the most out of this opportunity.

Learning Outcome 2: The most challenging part was the patience we had to keep in ourselves when we were teaching those young fellows. Teaching things which were really basic was really challenging as we understood everything about that but I wasn’t quite able to convey it to them. Though in the next session, I tried to keep my calm while dealing with the children and was successful in the further sessions also.  Another challenge was to speak english words in gujarati. We tried to translate each word in Gujarati and I looked up words on the internet to convey my knowledge clearly.

Learning Outcome 3: Planning was an integral part of this CAS experience, as every time we conduct a session, we have to plan things otherwise we would stand blank in front of these children who are desperate in learning new things. We planned each activity time wise and allocated responsibilities. We also had to manage Fountainhead volunteers, who helped us in taking care of those children. Planning went amazing, but executing the plan was really a tough job. We never went according to the plan, I wasn’t able to keep track of the time I spent in teaching a particular activity. I think I will improve the next time and set timers for every activity, hence all the plans get equal proportion of teaching.

Learning outcome 5: Working collaboratively always has been a tough job for me, hence it always puts me in trouble. Seldom I am able to justify my opinions and look up to others opinions as well. Though it is really important to work collaboratively with others as in this activity, without working with others, we won’t be able to produce a successful activity. Volunteers in this activity had to be take care of and work with them efficiently. Leadership was the job of us, four representatives, hence sharing the leadership wisely and working collaboratively shared the greatest proportion of significance.

Learning outcome 7: Being a part of FS community, we are taught to consider our ethics and make actions accordingly. We have always learnt to shape our ethics in a way, that we make responsible choices that benefit the society. Hence, I thought to conduct a service session to serve the community by teaching computer skills to the underprivileged children.

I would take away some great memories of working with those young fellows. It was a really amazing time cracking out their talents. We felt amazed by looking at their pre existing skills in computers, I realized that if they were given better opportunities, then they would we at the top of their work. I would look forward to attend more of these sessions and meet my dear fellows again!





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