Creating An Advertisement

Video editing is a profession that has been evolving for a long time now. I being a kid who is really interested in technology took the challenge of creating a video all by myself. This activity was done as an extension to things that we learnt in classroom. It is integrated with English in language and literature where it was connected to the use of persuasive language to create an advertisement that can persuade the audience. We had to do this is in pairs and so I selected a partner who help me with it.

Learning outcome 1 :

As I had already known video editing consumes a lot of our time I had made goals about how I will prioritize the time run through of the video like completing 10 seconds editing of the video every day. It was really difficult to do as we had to ensemble the frames of video, the audio and the images required for the video. There were days where I had a lot of other school work so on those it was challenge for me to manage the time and make sure that I complete the editing work.

Learning outcome 2 :

The plot of the video was advertising about a summer school I had recently gone to. So another challenge came my was to ask the university for the permission to use their pictures. After a lot of mails and persuasion I got the authority to use their pictures and make the advertisement. During all this I learnt the skills of persuading people using different methods, time management and patience that the task will happen. Once the video was ready I was appreciated a lot by other people for the video so now I had identify a new skill in myself that I can even try doing video editing in the future. Also this can now act as strength for in the future as the next gen is all about tech and knowing things like these related to tech can help lead a better life in the future.

Learning outcome 5 :

As it was group task there are times when I find it difficult to work with other people because I may not be able to understand or like when the other person doesn’t do the work properly hence that occurred to this time too that there was communication gap which lead to the delay of the video being ready and also a lot of time had passed wasted because we were not on the sameĀ  page when deciding the run through of the video. Soon all things were cleared and we tried to make the video in time as we had deadlines to meet. Even though I generally find it difficult to work with other people but I think it is better because we get to see things from someone else’s point of view and get a glimpse someone else’s creativity.First I thought only 2 learning outcomes 1 and 5 fit this activity but when I started with the activity further learning outcome 2 also became a part of this process so I decided to include that one too. The learning outcomes covered are Learning outcome 1,2 and 5.

After a lot of time management we were successful in making the video and complete it in time. This activity had given me a lot of new teachings or learning that I had never gotten before from any project.



Evidence of the video :

The video is made using I movies from apple

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