Savarkundla trip for saving Lions

We were take to Savarkundla,a village in North East Gujarat for our CAS trip.Asiatic Lions are a pride for Gujarat,but unfortunately they are an endangered species.There are many wells built in the the villages for day to day purposes of the villagers but these wells are a big cause for the deaths of Asiatic lions which fall into these wells in night because they cannot see them.We went to Savarkundla to make a metal cover for a well to prevent the lions to fall into them.We had to do many manufacturing processes to make the well like cutting,drilling,welding and hammering.Even installing it in the well was a difficult task.

Learning outcome 2 – Demonstrating that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

The tasks which we had to do were very difficult like cutting,welding,hammering,etc.We had to do the tasks under supervision of the workers.At first it was very difficult and scary because we had never come across any tasks like the but thinking about the main reason for coming here,Saving lions raised a spark inside me and gave me strength to work.It was too challenging at first but once I learnt ho to do it then it was easy.

It was too sunny and the weather was not at all supporting us to work but due to the motivation of my teachers and friend and the aim of the trip allowed me to continue the work.

Taking up challenges helps you yo learn the rules of life and it develops new skills in us.Whatever I did will not help me in my future but I definitely helps us bring out our confidence.

Learning outcome 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS activities.

As I said before it was a very difficult task to make the cover for the well and to complete the task,we needed to be committed.We were facing many problems due to the weather,electricity issues,etc.Even though these problems were there the nature and our our main motive kept us going,no matter how bad the weather was or how our surroundings were.

Doing service for the environment was the main mote of going to Savarkundla.In future to become a successful person I will have to go through many barriers but commitment will help me cross them.To become what we want to commmitment and perseverance will help us to be dedicated.

Learning outcome 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Working together always makes all tasks more easier.In such difficult tasks,we definitely need more hands.We had limited time and a lot of work to do and we could not afford to do any mistakes to make to sure that the lions do not fall in the wells.At first everyone was not working together so the task was going very slowly but when we all 37 student worked together we did not know when the task was completed.

Working in teams builds cooperation and helps in finishing the work even faster.Understanding our colleagues decreases the chances of failure.It also builds self-confidence because more people are working together.

When the task was fully complete and we installed the cover we felt relieved and very happy because we knew that due to our hard work we will be able to save a few lions and it brought a smile upon all our faces.

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