Komorebi (CAS project)

Student reflection:

  • I learnt these things about the Language used with reference to the culture of the country that I explored.

Vocal language and other forms of expression are a need to communicate and share knowledge. As my Continent was Oceania,  We were able to decorate and represent a beach very appropriately, also we were able to represent the cultures by creating masks, and performing dances which where in the culture. Also Context affects culture with which audience also plays a role in affecting a culture.

  1. This is how I attempted to incorporate my ‘Language in Cultural Context’ learning into my project

Expression is an important part to contribute in sharing of culture and knowledge, also to preserve knowledge you require language and other means to store them(dance, music).Analyse how audience and purpose affect the structure and content of texts.

  1. These are the things I did well in my Project

Managed the event

Prepare for the event

Present the country when one of the participant was absent

Created masks

  1. These are areas on which I could have worked to improve my process or final product(s).

I should have completed the work of creating masks before hand, because of not doing it , we were on shortage of masks.

  1. The CAS learning outcome that I met through the project is/are:

L1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

For managing a group of people. Management skills are important, and so they are required to handle crisis. Before starting of the preparation of the event, I used to think that I might not be good at managing people, due to lack in leadership skills, but as we progressed in the preparation of the event, I found myself sometimes able to manage my team mates. Although it was a difficult task, I found out that I might have a potential in gaining leadership skills.

L2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills,

As said previously, management of the team was not simple, some of the team participants didn’t came in the meeting many times, causing us to delay our preparation. Also many of the participants were not listening to the leaders(me and Jaymit) many time, and was joking around when came early in the morning for meeting.  We then tried to push harder, and make the participants have some seriousness towards the event. One of the main problem faced was that a student didn’t attended any of the meeting due to some reasons, and we were not able to decide what task should be provided to her. But in the end, we made use of her artistic skills, to create and paint masks for the presentation. As it was not the most important task and can be done alone at home. So by giving this task to her we were then able to distribute equal tasks to people.

L3- initiate and plan a CAS experience

Even though we were at set back when we started with the team members for planning for the komorebi, we were not having many good ideas and were not able to understand how to connect language to the presentation we were going to have. We were also not able to decide on a theme for the presentation. But after some failure attempts, we were able to decide on a theme. By doing so we started to clear our doubts about how to connect language with the presentation.At this moment, most members became serious and started to give more ideas. It could be said that we were back on track. As a conclusion, at the day of the event, the theme was liked by many people and also we were given compliments on choosing a good way to represent our continent(Oceania). It can be said that the hard work done in the later part of the journey was fruitful.


L4-commitment to and perseverance,


As said before that no everyone were serious, and so no one was committed to task. As leaders of our team, we also not paid that much attention to it. But then when we were made known of the importance of the event, to our studies, we started to take things seriously. As per the participants, only few were committed but we as leaders had to bear their responsibilities and so started pushing hard on them to work. We would send them a message every day for the updation of their progress till now. Also we started reminding them about meetings in school and everyday so they won’t miss it.


Strand Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Key Knowledge and Understanding: My work reflects the knowledge and understanding of the culture I have attempted to represent. I have not achieved the goal I have begun to achieve the goal I have achieved the goal to a reasonable extent I have made an excellent attempt to achieve the goal
Key Success Skills: I have been able to incorporate ATL skills associated with the task (Critical Thinking, Problem solving, Collaboration and Self-Management) I have not achieved the goal I have begun to achieve the goal I have achieved the goal to a reasonable extent I have made an excellent attempt to achieve the goal
Challenging Problem or Question: My evaluation of my work shows that I have attempted to investigate and solve, or explore and answer Questions raised about the culture I studied. I have not achieved the goal I have begun to achieve the goal I have achieved the goal to a reasonable extent I have made an excellent attempt to achieve the goal
Sustained Inquiry: I engaged in a rigorous, extended process of asking questions, finding resources, and applying information. I have not achieved the goal I have begun to achieve the goal I have achieved the goal to a reasonable extent I have made an excellent attempt to achieve the goal
Authenticity: My project features real-world context, tasks and tools, quality standards, or impact – or speaks to students’ personal concerns, interests, and issues about the culture they represent. I have not achieved the goal I have begun to achieve the goal I have achieved the goal to a reasonable extent I have made an excellent attempt to achieve the goal
Student Voice & Choice:

I made decisions about the project, including how I work and what I create.

I have not achieved the goal I have begun to achieve the goal I have achieved the goal to a reasonable extent I have made an excellent attempt to achieve the goal
Public Product:

I made my project work public by explaining, displaying and/or presenting it to people beyond the classroom.

* Here products could also imply write up, charts, props, presentations etc.

I have not achieved the goal I have begun to achieve the goal I have achieved the goal to a reasonable extent I have made an excellent attempt to achieve the goal


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