Beach cleaning

On our first day of grade 11, our school took us to a beach nearby. Our main aim was to clean the beach. We were given garbage bags and gloves. We were divided into groups and each group went around the beach to pick up garbage.

The learning outcomes that I achieved are:

LO-6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Pollution is a major threat to our planet earth. Environment pollution in various ways is now a global issue. This problem affects different people in different ways and levels. Garbage ridden beaches are not a pleasant site. They cause a lot of diseases and are overall not healthy for the population. Our school decided to contribute to this global issue by cleaning a beach. There was a lot of garbage on the beach which could harm the animals as well as contaminate the water. So our action was a cause for the society as a whole. Despite all the campaigns and awareness created by our government regarding cleanliness, people still throw garbage around. They do not fulfill their basic civic duty as citizens. After doing this activity I realized the enormity of the rise in pollution. It was a great feeling to contribute to the global cause and I intend to continue my contribution to preventing the destruction of our environment.


LO-7. Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

We chose to clean the beach in an effort to contribute to our society. We did our task enthusiastically. We picked each and every piece of garbage around us. We did not dirty the beach. We were proud of our effort.

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