Drama At Sanjeev!

I was to a great degree gassed and pumped when I got some news concerning the show and the project I was about to conduct. 30 Days earlier we got the message that we will be performing in the greatest of auditoriums ” Sanjeev Kumar Auditorium” . I have constantly adored theatre and that was my principle purpose behind my fervor. Playing out an fictional dramatization in connection to the future was our task which made me more excited . The reason behind my adoration for theater and drama is I cherish public-speaking and have no stage fear , I have irrefutably the inverse . Talking before a group tends to make me more confident. My objective for such a project was to make it a success whether this task constrained me or even influenced me to remain up the whole night . I was prepared and the fuel which continued pumping me was my fervor . So coming to the activity , it needed me to practice my dialogues and go to practice relatively regular in front of my group. A Solid 3 hours daily made my execution productive and what an occurrence the execution was on my Birthday!



In terms of theatre , I know my strengths and weaknesses in this field. However  through the rehearsal of this drama , I came to find out another strength which I had under my belt.  Throughout the rehearsal , I was leading people to finish their tasks and helping them with their script. I’m more confident and self-assured that I possess such a skill . It also puts me in a position which can lead people in the future without any hesitation. It’s very important to know the  plus-points we have and areas which make us weak . Knowing your own particular qualities and drawbacks gives you a superior understanding of yourself and how you work. Understanding your qualities keeps you ahead in a great deal of things. It additionally encourages you to develop the right skills.



Performing a drama in huge theatre is always one of the biggest challenges you could ever face. The most challenging part was rectifying the places where I went wrong and practicing consistently. Obviously I’ve conducted similar performances thats why Im so confident in front of crowds . I overcome this challenge by just acting patient and not losing my temper , a very simple tactic but it helped me overcome such a weakness. This challenge was quite difficult especially when it has to accomplished in under a month , I was nervous , anxious and all types of feelings which made me feel upside down from inside. Its very important to undertake new challenges as it It is always important to take new challenges as it helps you undertake new experiences as it helps you experience new activities and also helps you develop new skills and attributes. Well I didn’t learn any skills I wasn’t aware of , however I improved my skills which I was already aware of such as public speaking and acting. Public-speaking is such a skill which is just not used for talking on stage or performing but also for socialising better and connecting and learning new stuff from other people with setting a good impression . In the future this can help me give a better impression in interviews for universities, talking to experts and making new friends and acquaintances. Possessing such a skill makes me feel more confident and self-assured about myself.



Conducting such an activity was very difficult due to many reasons such as a ton of practice,selling of tickets and advertising throughout the city. I organized myself by practicing my dialogues daily for a certain amount of time on a certain time in a day. To be honest, I am not a very organized person. I tend to keep stuff messy and out of control. I usually make a plan and follow it up for a week or 2 and after that everything starts to go haywire. Planning an activity was much more difficult because it requires much more effort as you have to organize every particular aspect of your activity.  Initiating was more of the easy part as everything was planned perfectly so there weren’t any flaws which made the initiation perfect. As mentioned before , I had not discovered any skills or attributes which I didn’t know of but I improved skills which I had already knowledge of.


Having the experience of planning and initiating events such as this one helps me for the future because it gives me the upper hand due to having more experience and knowledge about the particular aspect. It’s very important to plan and initiate activities because it helps you develop skills and helps you organize yourself , also initiation helps you improve your confidence.

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