
Describe the activity:  This was an initiative by Fountainhead School, where we contributed towards the cleaning of dirty beaches in Surat City. We were at the Suvali beach, where there was a lot of plastic, bio-degradable waste. People dump the waste all around the place, not even thinking about the global consequences and repercussions.

LO4: We had in our minds, that we have to clean the beach in a certain time frame. We were quite determined towards the task given by the school authority and dealt with sincerity.

LO6: This issue of garbage at beach hold immense amount of global significance. Such waste travels across the sea and enters the oceans, which ultimately affects the marine life. We humans are the responsible ones for the downfall of marine life. I feel that everyone should conduct such activities often, and try to prevent generate huge amounts of waste and dumping them on the beach.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions: Most of us won’t have experienced such sort of work before in their lives, hence it always was a tough choice to clean the beach. Some of us may feel inferior in cleaning the rubbish, whereas someone may take it as a responsibility. I usually do these kinds of work at home, where I generally help my mom out when there is no maid at home because I took it as my responsibility. Similarly, there I took cleaning the beach as a responsibility and made an ethical choice to clean the beach.

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