Journey to first place


My PS selection is football.I have loved football since a long time and I always want to learn more every time I play that game.Last year I played in the Fountainhead Inter school football competition.Football requires a lot of coordination and teamwork, so we all team members worked very hard to reach the top.We defeated St. Xavier’s school in the finals and reached first place.The learner profiles which were involved in this activity were Communicators and Risk-Takers.

Learning outcomes which were achieved in this CAS activity were:-

LO 1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth-

I always love to go to more competitions as they definitely improve my skills and even the understanding of my game.The more I play, the more I learn.I played as defense in the tournament as it is a very important job in the team.This is the last line which stops the opposite team from reaching the goal.Another reason was, I had to work a lot on my passing and shooting at that time, so defense was the perfect position for me to play because it did not involve a lot of shooting.If I would try to do shooting and play in a position in which I was not familiar with then that mistake could cost the victory of my team.

LO 2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The major problem was my physique as I lacked a lot of strength, so I could easily be pushed by a member of the opposite team. To solve this problem, I used to practice drills at home. On the day of the competition, I feared that the players from the opposite team would try to take the ball from my side and score a goal because of me. Although that did not stop me from giving my best for my team.I did my best that day because of the confidence I had in victory.

LO 4-Commitment to and perseverance

 If you are playing a game which requires a lot of concentration and a single mistake could cost your team a goal, you have to be committed to the game and do not get distracted by anything.This led our team to the doors of victory. It did not matter how strong the opposite team was, we did our best to defeat them. We never gave up.

LO 5-Collaboration

As I mentioned before that football is a game which involves a lot of teamwork, we needed to make sure that all the players talk and communicate with each other in order to make the game successful. Throughout the competition we made sure that this was achieved and this is the reason why we won.

LO 7- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

While playing in such matches, players are more likely to do fouls on players in order to prevent goals. I made sure that I would not do any fouls and play fair. If I did those fouls then I would just spoil the name of my coach, team and school as well. Winning by cheating is not considered as winning, I made sure that it went that way throughout the competition.

When we won, we felt very proud and happy about that. That day we realized that if we continued playing like this in all the competitions then we would always win.






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