Maths trivia is an event where we test the math knowledge of individuals outside of the curriculum. It is a house and is played in teams. We conducted the event conducted for grade 8. We had prepared different rounds with varieties of questions which tested their mathematical ability. A lot of planning was done as we decided upon who will narrate the questions, keep the scores, and change slides at an appropriate time; number points for each question, a number of rounds and what kind of questions will be appropriate for their grade.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I am more on the messy side but I do organize from time to time to ensure productivity and accuracy. But, I had to work in a team and one of my team members is extraordinarily organized so she ensured everybody was too. Therefore, I was rather organized in planning and conducting the event.  Initiating was not a difficulty but planning was. We had to figure out the student’s caliber and their knowledge without interacting with them. We did it with our and their teachers’ help. A skill I did not know I possess is organization. I am rather good at it, I just never use it. I think planning and initiating will be easier because I do have some experience now. It is important to initiate because it shows your courage and demands perseverance. Planning is important to make sure you do not waste your and other people’s time in a world where nobody has time.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Commitment and perseverance were required in this activity because this event was scheduled very near to our exams and I had to plan for 2 other events also. Also, I am not inclined to Math and therefore planning an event regarding it demanded a lot of commitment and perseverance. generally, it is easier for me to commit to something because I have a strong willpower and do what I decide.  To achieve great things, one must commit and persevere.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Working with others is generally a rather difficult task for me and just isn’t my cup of tea. Interacting, during this activity, was quite easy because I was working with my friends. Everybody was friendly and the event went quite smooth. I think it is important to work collaboratively with others so that we can share the creativity and ideas and come up with something which is beyond the capabilities of an individual.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

As mentioned it was a house event, therefore, I had a choice to help out my house during the competition. But, I made the ethically correct choice to not do it. Also, my brother is also in the same grade and therefore I could reveal the questions to him beforehand which would give him an advantage. Again, I made the ethically correct choice to not do it and honor the values and principles that parents and school have taught me. I felt responsible and trusted an individual who has a strong morale and ethics.

The event was fun and we introduced new rounds like kahoot to ensure everybody has fun too. Math can be nice sometimes.

Link to the presentation-

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