Komorebi – CAS Project

Komorebi is a language event where we had to represent one of the 7 continents and tell the audience about its culture in a creative way.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I am more on the messy side but I do organize from time to time to ensure productivity and accuracy. But, I had to work in a team and one of my team members is extraordinarily organized so she ensured everybody was too. Moreover, I have developed a lot of planning skills while doing CAS activities. A lot of organizing and planning was required for this particular activity as my SAT  test and the event was at the same time meaning I couldn’t attend the event. So,  I had to ensure everything was perfect while planning to leave no gaps while conducting the event. It is important to initiate because it shows your courage and demands perseverance. Planning is important to make sure you do not waste your and other people’s time in a world where nobody has time.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Commitment and perseverance were required in this activity because it was clashing with my SAT test date. Obviously, the SAT was more important for me, therefore, to give my best at this event and ensure it was worthwhile for my teammates as well as the audience demanded a lot of commitment and perseverance. Generally, it is easier for me to commit to something because I have a strong willpower and do what I decide.  To achieve great things, one must commit and persevere.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Cultural Intolerance is seen around the globe. It is quite prominent in my country. It has caused a lot of fights and cost a lot of lives. When we were educating our audience about different cultures, we were teaching them to be tolerant towards other cultures and developing those skills ourselves. It makes us open-minded individuals who are global citizens.

LO7:  Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

This was a competition and we were determined to win the best competition. But, during the event, we witnessed other continents’ people resorting to unethical means to garner votes for the Best continent. We tried to report it but at the same time did not resort to same means for winning. We did not end up winning but we managed to save our conscience and we do have the validation as all of the viewers and even some teachers personally told us that ours was the best.

Komorebi was a lot of fun and it enhanced my time management skills and team-working skills in addition to imparting knowledge about different cultures.

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