Regular GYM and YOGA


Gym sessions improve the fitness of any individual. It is vital to keep your body healthy and remove the excess fat. The yoga sessions which I perform train the internal system of the body to work smoothly and effectively. Exercise is essential as in the long term it reduces the entire body pain, relieves stress and also develops intellectually.

Learning Outcomes Achieved

LO1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I have the higher endurance for yoga. I know the posture/asanas that I am very good at. I can hold in the same position for 2 min. Yoga internally helps the organs and purifies the intestine. When I am hanging on the bars, my skin comes out which is a lot of pain. I breathe heavily in some exercises like plank I am not able to hold myself. These will only improve if I increase my stamina.

LO2Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Running on the treadmill for the first day of the gym was not a pleasant experience as running 1km made me breathe heavily. After the regular gym, I am running 3 km at an 11kmph speed which was an achievement for me. Your reliable power increases day by day, and that is why I could manage to run 3km without stopping. I also learnt new techniques and exercises to strengthen my calf muscles which will help in swimming also.

LO4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I was lazy many times to wake up and go to the gym and sleepiness could not get rid of me. But to develop my physique, I had to do whatever I could and then regularly on weekends I would go to the gym and spend 1 – 2 hours doing yoga and exercising. Commitment leads to you not procrastinating experiences like this one and attending it for your greater good.

The learner profile attributes that were obtained from this CAS experience are – 

  1. Balanced
  2. Reflective


I have gained stamina and endurance through yoga and other exercises and increased the capacity of training to keep me fit and healthy. I went wrong in some activities which my coach corrected, and now I am doing it up to the mark. It was a rigorous yet joyful experience.

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