My extended essay is on business management as i want to pursue my career in this field.I was confused at first to what topic should I select as we have to write almost 4000 words,so i started referring the chapters again to get a good understanding about my topic,finally i chose Joint ventures as my core topic and the two companies that i thought to research upon is Apple inc and beats as both of them are joint ventures.As i presented my idea to the Bm teachers they helped me construct my research question which is to what extent joint ventures external strategy leads to success of the business,the biggest loophole in my rq was that this was not that open ended because it was just covering some of the topics so they suggested me to focus on one company like apple and research deeply on that ,so finally i decided  to just focus one company and the new rq that i came up with is to what extent apple internal and external growth strategies leads the success of the business this rq would help me to think out of the box and i can write 4000 words on this


I searched a lot about Apple inc and its internal and external growth strategies, but this was not enough to make my research successful so I started to study about the whole mobile communication and media devices sector. I started analysing all the information that I collected looked at the loopholes of Apple so that i could write about areas of improvement in that company and this made my research successful. Having in depth knowledge about operations,Finance and Marketing made my task easier, because if you write an EE on BM it is mandatory that you should have sufficient amount of tools and  resources to answer your KQ. I am an Apple user and a big fan of the company and because of that I had some knowledge about that company this made me write my EE on apple.


Toward the end of the extended essay I used various tools to support my research and analysis. If i were to undertake my research again I would look at a broader perspective and I would go for primary research like survey from apple retail stores this would be a strong support to my EE. The strategies I used for my KQ had no problems because I studied about the company from their start to their peak, to their failure and their success , their competition in the market, what are the loopholes in the company this information made my EE stronger.

To conclude my EE made me more curious about Apple inc and this made me research more about the company.


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