On the first day of the academic year 2017-18, we were taken to Suvali Beach as a tuning in activity for CAS was planned. We went there to pick up the garbage that was littered around by the people who had visited the place earlier. We were carrying garbage bags with us to collect all the litter and dispose of it in an appropriate manner. Upon reaching the beach, we were divided into groups and were sent off for collection with a supervisor. We tried collecting as much as we could and ended up clearing a large area of litter.
Learning outcomes Achieved:
LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Challenges define the way we are able to cope with obstacles in life and how we are able to adapt ourselves in situations that we haven’t dealt with before. Similarly, this activity wasn’t something that we were used to and hence we weren’t fully dedicated to the activity at the beginning. Furthermore, this activity wasn’t one that encouraged the development of skills to a great extent, although we did enhance our teamwork as we had divided tasks among the people in the group.
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
Working as a team helps build trust among one another, promotes kinship between people and helps build an enthusiastic work/learning environment. Throughout the duration of the activity, we relied on working as a team to complete our task effectively and with ease. It helped us divide work and cover areas of trash much faster than individual labor and hence we saw that working as a team was much more beneficial for our cause.
LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
We, humans, tend to utilize the resources provided to us for our mutual benefits, however, we fail to understand that while we use resources for our personal needs we tend to create waste and leave it around without noticing how much we have littered and the impact it has on our world. Littering has become an issue to such extent that it can be said to be another major cause of our environment getting polluted. Hence our activity addressed this issue where we tried to contribute to reducing pollution.
LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Although this activity wasn’t something that we were enthusiastic about, it was necessary to consider our attitude towards it as we were acting as an influential entity to the people that were present there at the moment. We had to determine what was right and act accordingly as our choices would affect the future as well as the present we live in. We had to be ethical in what we were doing to ensure that the impact on the people was appropriate and hence ethics played an important role in our activity.
Overall, this activity acted as an eye-opening experience as we were able to see the world through the perspective of the people who work to keep our nation clean and rid of pollution. I really liked the activity and wish to contribute to other similar activities if given the chance.