Service session

For my CAS activity I had been been working along some friends to teach young and unpriveleged children avout the basics of football. We taught them how the rules of football are and how they apply in-game, along with the more hands on approach to playing a football match which most children wanted to do. This activity also had to do with a few goals of my own which were including:

  1. Being able to work with more people
  2. Listen more effectively to teammates
  3. To improve communication

The learning outcome that was achieved in this activity was LO 1. It was achieved because when you are working with a lot of people who have the basic understanding of the game they can help you by exposing your weaknesses and helping you work on them, this was also what we did with the children who were involved in our activity. now that i’m aware of the faults in my game I am able to improve upon them which will effectively help the team. it is very important to know your weaknesses and strengths because of how they not only help you but hey help your team in team sports. This can improve results and improve morale around the team. The strengths can be used by complimenting them with other teammates so that we can unlock the full potential of a certain player(s). I worked on my weakness with my friends who are also fellow football players, and this improvement is shown every time I step out on the pitch.

The link between this activity and my past experience is of how I am a football player who features regularly in the school team and this is how I can use my experience to help others. The main aspect which helped others was to teach the children the proper way to play football without the unnecessary scar of impending injuries that can occur without proper guidance and that is what our entire group of players had addressed. The highlight of this activity was how much fun I had and also how much fun the children had as many children had been playing for the very first time and they had the time of their lives, the one perspective that changed almost immediately is about how these children couldn’t play and they would hurt themselves, but we could all just see that some of these kids have raw talent that just needs to be harbored and properly tuned in order to create a proper football player. I achieved mass success in the form of how many children told me that they were grateful to have came to this camp and they would do so again the next time. It makes a person happy to know that their actions have been affecting the lives of others in a positive way. I learned to never underestimate people and to not judge them on their heights of strength but let them show their game on the pitch, and this is why there is nothing I would change in this activity. I wish to help football get all the recognition and fame that developed countries hold and this activity is one way to promote football.

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