CAS Plan and Profile

Personal Profile

Hi, I am Manan Mehta I am currently studying IB. I am known as the talker of the class. I understand that one’s talents could be quite different. Someone may be talented and gifted in terms of academics but I see myself as a creative mind. Not a painter or something else cliched. I feel I am someone who can could termed as “Jugado”. I look at my talents which could be looked at as persuasive, creative, great IT skills, debating, sense of coffee, having a unique palette and have a way of talking with people. I enjoy being around people, socialising, spending time with my family and friends, also sparing time for my hobbies. As happy these words above look, I have a really bad habit that leads me to spoiling and worsening situations. It is my anger, it tips off as soon as something does not go my way and fades away as soon as I realise how I have messed up. Once I gain control over this and am able to control my anger and tears from rolling down my face I will be better off moreover I will be satisfied by myself even if I am short or anything. I understand being happy about yourself is imperative. I see life like a river and I understand I cannot go with the flow like dead fish, I want to fight with the societal norms and live life the best way possible. I want to learn more about me, “Self-Awareness” as you can never be done with this, this syllabus is longer than what IB has to offer too. Lastly, My dreams, one of the biggest variable in my life. Since I remember my dreams have been getting bigger by the minute. I want to accomplish every dream I have but I know that the climb is difficult and as I am preparing for IB, I understand that every hour I put in studying is one step closer to achieving my dreams.



Activities Components (C/A/S) Start Date End Date Learning Outcomes
Trip to Savarkundla CAS 9/8/2017 9/12/2017 L1, L5, L6
Service Session (ICT) AS 8/12/2017 8/28/2017 L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7
Komorebi- World Culture Day C 10/2/2018 10/3/2018 L1, L2
Organising FSMUN workshop C 11/19/2017 11/19/2017 L1, L2, L5, L6
Cleaning the Beach AS 6/9/2018 6/9/2018 L2, L4, L5, L6, L7
Attending TechFest Model UN C 12/29/2017 12/31/2017 L1, L2, L4, L5, L6, L7
Organising FSMUN (CAS PROJECT) C 7/29/2017 10/27/2018 L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7
Cricket Night Tournament CAS 1/23/2018 2/9/2018 L1, L3, L7
PS: Table Tennis A 6/9/2017 9/21/2018 L4


CAS Summary

From organising events to being part of them. Completing CAS activities was no less than riding a roller coaster. The most prominent part of this experience which got to me was the learning outcomes, while doing the activities I do not even realise what I am enduring but when I sat down later that day to write my reflection I understand so much more about what I did with my life for those hours. Basically, providing me a deeper understanding on the works of creativity, activity or service that I went through. Talking about the things I learnt from this experience cannot be confined in a set of words but I could boast about how I have understood my strengths and weaknesses, understanding the greater meaning of teamwork and ethics. It is safe to say that CAS has helped me to evolve as a human being which is very commendable and which I am thankful of too.


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