Savarkundla CAS Trip

Savarkundla is a place near Gir where Asiatic Lions are found.

The Main Problem: Lions are dying by falling into the wells made in the jungle (10000 wells)

Deaths accounted each year are almost 14-16.

Solution: Make well coverings for the wells, so the lions don’t fall in them and die.

Process of making well coverings

  1. Cutting  the metal rods in to smaller sections using a electric cutter
  2. Hammering the metal rods to make them in straight lines in order for them to fit correctly with each other.
  3. Soldering the metal pieces to each other
  4. Cutting the excess pieces and hammering the joint pieces so that they stick properly

My goals were:

  1. Understand the process to making well covering and helping them to make a strong and sturdy covering.
  2. Working in a team and develop my team-building skills

Learning outcomes achieved in the process.

L2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills

Making well covering was the kind of job that I had never done, so I developed my skills in cutting, hammering and soldering. I don’t think these skills will help me in the future but it is always great to learn new things and someday I don’t these skills could help me.

 L4-commitment to and perseverance

To complete a job that will affect the life of an another individual is a big job to take because if we don’t make the well covering properly the lion would fall in and die. It took us a lot of commitment to build this covering with such precision. The heat was so intense in Savarkundla we all were sweating and many had headaches to too but for the sake of the animals we completed the task with precision and accuracy

 L5-. Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

This task was all about working collaboratively and assisting each others when needed. Without the help of everyone it was not possible for us to build the covering. We divided work as per the skill set and liking of the job of an individual. A person who was good at hammering went and did hammering most of the time while also exploring the other two things too. I was good at soldering so I spent most of my time doing soldering

L6-engagement with issues of global significance

This task was about the population of the Asiatic lions which come to see from all around the world. It was our job to save them so their population does not decrease as they were declared as endangered earlier and by the help of the forest department their population increased. For that to continue the same way we did a job that would help the cause.


This activity was even more interesting than I thought and I enjoyed every bit of it. This trip taught me team-working skills and how should we appricieate the beauty of the nature. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and I hope we helped the cause and probably have saved some lions.


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