Service Session

I was one of the charges of the ICT team in Service session, where we taught basic ICT to children (8-12). The service session was held on weekends, for 2 hours each. I and my partner weren’t there on the first day, due to our CAS trip to Savarkundla. But the next 4 days were difficult. Children were continuously shifting from one place to another(ICT to football) and so we weren’t able to proceed with our plans due to new students coming.

We taught them

  • tux paint
  • tux type
  • basic programming
  • How to use libre office word
  • how to use libre office express
  • how to use google maps
  • how to search on google
  • how to create online posters
  • how to create a comic strip

As we were sometimes having problems with PC’s so we issued Chromebook on which they did the same thing.

We had many good volunteers whom sometimes misbehaved and irritated us but they did their work properly.

Learning Outcomes:-

  • Learning outcome 1(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth):-I chose IT for teaching children, as I have an interest in it and it was the only subject in which I can teach children, as I am good in it. But, even though I am good at IT, it was very difficult to teach children, and it is not as easy as it seems. So it took some classes, to able to teach children properly. Also, I am not good at managing discipline in the volunteers, who fooled around, and did anything they want. It was also one of my areas of growth. So from the next class, I started to divide them and rotate them for their work(shifts). So the discipline was easily maintained.


  • Learning outcome 2(Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills):-  As I said before Discipline, was one of the issues. Other than that, one of the challenges we faced was that many children kept changing their subject, so in each session, we would have new faces. Due to this, we weren’t able to continue with our curriculum. So for us to overcome this challenge, we needed to divide volunteers, each volunteer given his/her place, and any new child came there, will be taught by the volunteer, and others who were from the starting will be taught by another volunteer.


  • Learning outcome 3( Initiate and plan a CAS experience):- Planning is an essential part of every task, so after we had a bad first day, we then planned the session beforehand and then executed the task as per the requirement. There were some improvising, but we were prepared for it and it was reduced due to our planning.

It was a great experience to teach and share knowledge.




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