Cleaning the beach

On our first day of our new academic year, we were introduced to CAS, by initialling a CAS activity which was to clean a beach near our school. The aim of our visit to the beach was to observe the dirtiness of the beach. We carried gloves and garbage bags with is and were then divided into groups which were led by a teacher. We then started to go in different directions and starting picking up the trash.


Learning outcomes covered

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills

This was first time for all of us to clean up such huge places, this was also the first time we were seeing things from the perspective of the garbage cleaners. We were not comfortable picking up garbage in the starting. But after couple of times doing the same thing, we were able to do it more open-mindedly and also were not feeling uncomfortable while picking up the trash. Also by doing the same thing over and over again, we were developing our coordination with each other, and can be called teamwork.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

As said before that our team work was something which was built due to the activity, it can also be said it was not good in starting. People were fighting in the start about the roles for picking up the trash, or picking up the garbage bag and move around. But after some difficulties we shift the roles at intervals. Due to this we were able to complete the work more faster than before.

LO6: Engagement with issues of global significance

Throwing garbage on public places is a very bad habit of people, and also a global problem. Only in India animals die from chewing and swallowing plastic bags, I used to be one of the following people. After the day I cleaned the beach, I gained awareness of the issue, and its importance, also I stopped throwing garbages anywhere, because I experienced the cleaning on the beach, which was rather difficult.


LO7:Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

In the starting we were not enthusiastic towards the activity, but gradually when we realised the importance of the issue of throwing garbage, we enthusiastically started to clean the beach. While doing so we were not allowed to leave a single garbage no matter its size, also we were not allowed to loiter around and not work because we started to see the big picture of water and air pollution, trash all over the place was one of the main contributions towards pollution. After doing the activity, there was a sense of accomplishment and also satisfaction of doing something for the society.




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