Beach cleaning

On the first day of our new academic year of 2018-19 we were given a surprise trip to our local beach near our school. Our aim to go there was to just look around and think about the amount of garbage thrown at the beach. We took garbage bags with us as well as gloves. We were divided into groups and sent out to pick out the garbage from the land as much as possible. This experience made us realize on how much garbage must be thrown without any consideration. This also allowed us to experience on what the cleaners must go through everyday


LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process:

During the activity we had to work in groups and at the start our experience was not so great we didn’t have any coordination, the idea of picking up garbage is not something we were excited about and we didn’t feel comfortable executing it as we didnt do anything like this before. However once we started with our activity we started to adapt to the situation. We did improve our teamwork skills during the whole event.


LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

For the activity, we were divided into groups, at first there were internal conflicts and were not coordinating with each other, after some time and after everyone got comfortable with the environment we were able to divide the area between us which allowed us to cover more area rather than just a part of it and were able to make the activity a success.


LO 6: Demonstrate Engagement with issues of global significance:

This activities aim was to help with the issues of global significance, we tried to help the society and were successful to a certain extent. People littering on the roads, beaches, even around homes is very commonly seen in the society that we live in. This activity made me realize that littering is easy but cleaning after yourself is not. This helped me reconsider any actions i take related to littering and every time I find a proper place to discard the garbage.


LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions:

This activity was target at influencing other people on the beach by collecting THEIR garbage. We had to ethical in what we did to influence them. We identified what we needed to do and what impact would it create on others. We had to be enthusiastic in doing the activity and not act like we are doing it just because our school asked us to, this would have left a false impression in others mind. We had to use proper protection and equipment in picking up the garbage, also dispose it in a proper way and in a proper way or it would not make any difference. Only when we put yourself into the cleaners shoe we can execute the activity in a ethical and enthusiastic manner to create an impact on others mind


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