AS- Dance

For the academic year of 2018-19 I choose Dance education program as my AS, I did this as I always had an urge to learn how to properly dance and learn new dance forms. I choose to do this activity In school because the school has a dedicated room for dance equipped with proper speakers a large space and mirrors to help the instructor teach us. This activity would focus on 3 learning outcome which are: 1,2&4.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The strengths in this activities is I already had few years of dance training and was familiar with how to time the steps with the beats but the area of growth which developed over time was my stamina, I had pretty low stamina compared to others in my batch which resulted in me being exhausted at the end of practice. but as the time progressed I developed endurance and with that my stamina improved which fulfils my purpose of getting fit during this activity.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

The main challenge during this were my knees, as I am 6 foot 2 my knees have become week and movements like rapidly siting down and standing up in quick successions makes them hurt but I was determined to learn new forms of dance which made me keep going and not quit, in the process I developed my dancing skills.


LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

I was committed to completing this activity despite of the challenges faced and the obstacles faced, I rarely missed a training session even if I missed some it was due to me being sick or have different sessions at school during that period.




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