TSL Schools Sustainability Challenge

Our school participated in the TSL Schools Sustainability Challenge. The TSL Schools Sustainability Challenge is a video contest for schools around the world. Participating schools were supposed to create a short 3-minute video showcasing their best sustainability-related projects. We worked with a team of 6 ESS students where we were guided by one of our ESS teachers. In the video, we showcased the measures taken by our school to contribute to a sustainable environment.

The learning outcomes that I achieved through this activity are :

Learning Outcome 2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process): We had to represent our school so the first challenge was that we had to make a video that would show the overall contribution of our school in sustainable development perfectly, which we could successfully overcome. Also, while deciding the components of the video some of us had contrasting viewpoints, so understanding every point and deciding which point to take and which to not required was difficult for us. We also had some other deadlines so doing the work of video with all the other work was tough but at the end everything was equally important so we did othe work too properly. After this activity I believe that challenges help us to do our work and that too properly.  

Learning Outcome 3 (Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience): Firstly, we had to look at all the sustainable measures taken by our school and then plan and schedule the shooting of the video accordingly. We had to keep in mind the time of the media team, our teacher, and all of our other group members. Also, we had to plan the shooting of video in a way that we had students of other grades available. For one part of the video, we had to convince grade 5 students and their teachers to take them with us. So this is how through different ways I understood that how planning describes the perfect functioning of an activity. 

Learning Outcome 4 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences): During the planning of the video we had to come early for many days and then during the making of video we had to miss some of our ESS and free slots, which was a difficult task for us. Also, during those days we had our written task submissions so managing time for that and doing the work it at home demanded a lot of commitment. The commitment was what helped us complete the activity successfully.  

Learning Outcome 5 (Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively): We worked in a team of 6 members where we were helped and guided by our teacher. I have always believed that working in a team divides the task and multiplies the result. So here also we divided the tasks equally among ourselves and I feel that it was very important because if only one person had to do all the work it would have been very hectic so working in a group made everyone’s work easier which was also beneficial because the person specified for the work could do it properly.

Learning Outcome 6 (Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance): The issue that we dealt with here with was of sustainable development. Through this activity, we got to know and understand the measures that our school takes to contribute their bit in keeping the nature sustained. During this activity, we ourselves also did some of these measures like planting saplings and making composts. Sustainable development itself is very important and practising it in a school is much important because students also observe that and learn from that. Some parts of the world have already understood this and practise it but on a global scale, there should be more awareness regarding it.
Learning Outcome 7 (Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions): The video was about showing all the sustainable measures our school does. Our ethics played a role where we could not just act and show any sustainable measure even if the school does not follow it in reality. We had a choice. But we took care that everything that we showed in the video was actually followed and done by the school and the students.

The learner profile attributes that I developed during this activity are Caring because I got more close to our environment through this which develop my respect and empathy towards nature; Knowledgeable as I developed more conceptual and practical understanding on this important issue of sustainable development.

Being a part of this competition made me understand that just like everything else, the usage of resources also needs balance. We should use the resources effectively and wisely.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VHre1SEx24

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