Keyboard (Piano)

Playing keyboard is something really cool. This means that learning your favourite song on keyboard. This is building passion in a fun way, playing that with your friends on the piece you have means struggle, on your sore fingers for two weeks, Playing the keyboard means meeting new people and making new friends, it means staying up late and it means being able to express yourself. I had developed an interest in the keyboard when I was in grade 9 and had been wanting to improve the skill to the maximum extent, I have been doing keyboard classes and under that I got to know the basic knowledge of the guitar, for example, reading tablature and identifying chords, I want to further brush up on these skills to become a better artist, So I decided that from now on I shall practice at least 1 hour a day, I will practice the basic chords of keyboard.

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth
Learning keyboard is a difficult job, and it is more difficult to grasp things easily, but that wasn’t my problem at all, the major strength I had under learning keyboard was that, I was a fast learner, whatever the assignments were assigned to me under two classes I used to complete them in just one, so this made my task more easy and less time consuming and in the spare time I used to learn more through the help of youtube. My major area for growth was to practice chords, it was a difficult task to manage your own pace with timings and the beat and it is difficult to play that with both hands.

L2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills

The biggest challenge I faced was to play keyboard within the beats, it needed a lot of focus. It took a lot of practice to basically play a song with the beats. The other challenges I faced was to manage my timing of the classes, I had to manage my timings to do my school work and to go to keyboard classes, sometimes I had to miss my keyboard classes because of a lot of homework. There was a lot of range of finger exercises, some were easy but the others were not so it was a challenge to me and I am still learning how to make myself better in it.It is very difficult to play the octave notes on keyboard so practice for that as well.

L4-commitment to and perseverance

In the field of music a person must show one factor in himself in order to succeed, and that is perseverance, if one cannot stay committed to his or her art, if a person gives up on one bad performance or a bad practice, then he can never be successful, and this whole learning process helped me to understand that and overcome any sort of negativity that came my way, I would never let anything pull me down or demotivate me to not continue. The commitment was highly necessary when learning keyboard, I have to be dedicated to the timings that are allotted to me for the classes, I have to be dedicated to not waste my time and be focused.


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